author biography: Robert Silhol
AffiliationSnail mail
U.E.R. Institut d'Anglais Charles VUniversité de Paris VII
75004 Paris FRANCE
Robert Silhol is professor emeritus at the University of Paris VII-Denis Diderot. He animates and directs the"Centre d'Anthropologie Littéraire" of the University Paris VII and is the editor of the journal Gradiva, Psychanayse et Littérature, Revue Européenne, sponsored by Frederico Pereira's Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada in Lisbon and located in Paris VII, Institut Charles V. He has written many articles on English and American literature, and on Psychoanalysis, both theory and practice. He is the author of Le Texte du Désir, Les Tyrans Tragiques and has published (many years ago!) a novel Autobiographie d'une étoile égoďste. He is a keen reader of Freud and Lacan and carries on his enquiry into their work.
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