author biography: Joseph Dodds
AffiliationSnail mail

University of New York in Prague

University of New York in Prague
Legerova 72, 120 00, Prague
Czech Republic

Joseph Dodds

Joseph Dodds is author of the book Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos (Dodds 2011, Routledge). He lectures in various courses in psychology and psychoanalysis at the University of New York in Prague, Charles University's CIEE Study Center, and the Anglo-American University. He is a Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) of the British Psychological Society (BPS), a candidate member of the Czech Psychoanalytical Society (IPA) and a psychotherapist in private practice. Currently, he is working on developing a new way of thinking about psychoanalysis through specific transdiciplinary engagements with science, philosophy and ecology, which he terms ecopsychoanalysis. His blog is available at

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